Thursday, October 2, 2008

Educational Planning Day, November 5

1. Your PIN number for registration is your date of birth.
2. The advising requirements for TCC's nursing program are available at this link:
3. If you need advising, there are two options:

-Email advising: email me your advising form.

-In Person advising: email me your advising form and your preferred time (May, 14, between 10 and 11:30a) in my office, building 9, #63.

* Email an Advising Form to me at prior to in-person or with email advising. The form is available at this link:
* Nursing Orientation: Before advising the first time, you need to get a nursing information packet and attend a nursing information session. More information is available at this link:
* If you are not planning on completing our nursing program, but are planning on transferring to another college for nursing, see Julie Benson ( in building 19 for advising, who advises transfer students.
* If you are not planning on completing any nursing degree, then go to this link for the appropriate advisor in your major:

* There are four nursing program options available at TCC.

-Full time student without LPN license
-Part-time student without LPN license
-Full time student with LPN license
-Part-time student with LPN license

* Financial Aid requires 12 credits for full time students.

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